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Data Recovery Pricing

Please find here the pricing guideline for recovery. For final pricing, we will need to analyze your media. There is no charge for analysis. The pricing is calculated based on the problem with the media and does NOT vary by the data size need to be recovered.

Hard Disks – All Types and Capacities

If NO hardware issue with the hard disk, the recovery cost will be S$200 to S$500

For hard disks with any hardware issue, the cost will be in the range of S$500 to S$1800

Solid State Disks – All Types and Capacities

If NO hardware issue, the recovery cost will be S$200 to S$500.

For the hardware issues, the range is from S$450 to S$2800, depending on the level of damage.

lash Drives and Memory Cards – All Types and Capacities

If the spoiled media has NO electronic problem, > the recovery cost will be S$ 200

For media with an electronic problem, the cost will be in the range of S$200 to S$950

RAID and Network Attached Storage Devices

For servers and network storage with multiple disks in RAID configuration

If all the disks in the RAID have NO electronic or physical problem, the recovery cost will be S$750 to S$1500

If one or more disks have an electronic or physical problem, the recovery cost will be S$1500 to S$4500

Mobile Phones

If NO hardware issue, the recovery cost will be S$ 200

If hardware issue, the cost will be in the range of S$200 to S$950

For all other media not listed above, please allow us to do analysis and we will update you on the quote.

After analysis, we will let you know the timeline and cost for recovery. If you decided not to proceed, there is no charge for you and we even do free delivery of your media back to you.

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